Mar 9Liked by Renaissance Readings

It's going to be very hard to un-bake the Ameri-cake unfortunately. The subversives/change agents have made our nation this way on purpose. All of the White nations except maybe Russia are being invaded at the same time. Nothing strange there right? So were can we go?

NO one will put their foot down and simply tell them all (the non Whites since it's all about RACE and the IQ's that go with them) to get out! Then enforce it by collecting them up and getting them the hell out. That's just to hard to do though, I guess no one can stop living vicariously through the internet long enough to do such a feat. We really are painted into a corner with this mess.

I mean if they don't want to leave peacefully or willingly. Well, then a non peaceful spread of bullets followed by a drop into the mega pit and be done with it works for me. Yeah I know that seems mean as hell, but it's what our ancestors had to do to keep them in check. That's all but gone now, the South boarder is proof of that. Not to mention we got seven billion people on Earth, it could stand to lose a few. Our demise is what the rich and powerful seem to be lusting for the hardest. Wonder why? They want us to wipe ourselves out while calling no nation home. We've been stripped of our National Sovereignty, lost our Republic to a Banana Democracy, by the same tactics used to do the same to China. That's why I think they are behind this along with the people who call no nation home. Playing us for fools, and we are a nation full of them at this point.

That's all I got for this one, not sure if it meets the guidelines for correct language but I'll submit the comment all the same, I'll understand if it is not posted, or if it is modified by the moderator.

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Mar 13Liked by Renaissance Readings

They had me with their propaganda when I was young. But after decades of hatred directed at me and one student who told me to my face that I was a racist simply because I was white, I gave up the idea of living harmoniously with blacks. I won’t teach their children which makes employment difficult. The prior comment came, by the way, from a fellow student who I was driving home for Thanksgiving break. I hope she was thankful I didn’t deposit her on that country road which I threatened to do as I pulled over and told her to “get out”. I say this because I have endured their abuse and my white guilt is zero. So has my husband. They steal our jobs and bully us through the ever-black HR department. They look at me with such hatred and anger- if they look at me at all. They cut in front of me in line and dare me to object with their ape-like body language. I was not born with this opinion. I had to be abused to the point that separation is the only way that makes sense. When others bully us unapologetically and expect us to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist or, worse yet, paint us as the abusers while they continue to abuse us, there can be no reconciliation.

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