This sounds about right given the current mess that this administration has created. The teacher gives examples of how disruptive the illegal students are; as I reflect I am not surprised. I remember the blacks acted in the same way: classroom disturbances, vandalism, and stealing from each other with no regard to rules or morals. I lament seeing another race behave the same way.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Renaissance Readings

In times past, such behavior would result in expulsion and let the law enforcement deal with subsequent behaviors. The wooden paddle hung on a nail in plain view, the pointers broken over your lower legs, combined with the ridicule from both teachers and other students seemed to work on my classmates...back in the stone age 1950's & '60's.

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If you are a White teacher - why are you teaching non white kids in the first place?

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When the schools were integrated, white teachers were required to teach other races. Look at the problems that resulted from mixing blacks with whites. Segregation works.

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Absolutely, I actually understand how the educational system is a wreck. I went through the Canadian public school system from 1970 through to 1983 and even back then it was disfunctional. Teachers were falling all over themselves to virtue signal and treat students of color better than white kids. The contempt and hostility towards white students really picked up in the 1990s when our children were going through the public school system.

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If you are a White teacher - why are you teaching non white kids in the first place?

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