According to the census, about 10% of all homes are uninhabited, and this has been the case as far back as the records go. But, Why does anyone need to bother renting a property, when the earnings are a mere fraction of sale price? Why is the typical sale price almost always prohibitive even to the point when an above average salary will never save up enough in decades of labor? If something is unsellable and unprofitable at the same time, why dont the prices just drop? why dont loan brokers and creditors in bankrupt and foreclosed real estate ever try to unload their failed investments?
According to the census, about 10% of all homes are uninhabited, and this has been the case as far back as the records go. But, Why does anyone need to bother renting a property, when the earnings are a mere fraction of sale price? Why is the typical sale price almost always prohibitive even to the point when an above average salary will never save up enough in decades of labor? If something is unsellable and unprofitable at the same time, why dont the prices just drop? why dont loan brokers and creditors in bankrupt and foreclosed real estate ever try to unload their failed investments?