I've supported Mr. Edwards since TPC aired in 2004, I heard this interview live, and I have 'Suicide of a Superpower' in my book collection. This movement to return to the glory days has only one path, Mr. Buchanan said it, Mr. Taylor said it, and many others think about it constantly, small enclaves and eventually cities where we can live in peace with our own people.

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Yes, California is a great example of what our dysfunctional nation will continue to look like if we fail to embrace our rightful ethnic heritage as a White nation. But you will notice that he never calls out the powerful puppet masters that have brought us all to this degenerate point. Until you can identify the source of the problem you will never resolve it. Jews are not Whites. They have a different ethnic and cultural lineage and they will continue to destroy this nation until it is unrecognizable and irreparable. The better question now is, What will replace the USA when it finally degenerates into an ungovernable dystopia of ethnic animosity and hatred? There's no going back to a harmonious coexistence without White resurgence and the existence of jewish supremacy simply does not allow that.

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