I've even heard that people are saying that "the haitians don't know any better". I would argue that they are adults and they do know better. They know better so much that this behaviour of stealing your pets and killing your kids is a form of terrorism. If they come into your neighborhood and kill your pets you will probably sell your house and leave. The state will move in and probably buy your house and place a haitian family in your home. Your town in now finished.

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Even if the cats are strays or even feral, this crosses a line. But I am a feline supremacist.

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lol I have 4 rescue cats. These creeps know exactly what they are doing. They know if they kill and eat the neighborhood pets the White's will sell and leave. I was called a racist way back in the 1980's (by my own sister) - she is singing a different tune today.

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I am a cat owner as well. One is certainly not a rescue but my eldest I adopted at about four weeks old. The bond he and I have transcends human understanding, it as if we speak an unspoken language. I will just put it this way--I care very deeply for him, and as for cats generally, I value their lives over some people. Haitians, Somalians, etc, you better believe it.

Incidentally, you may enjoy this short vignette I wrote "A Salute to Cats; Why the Right Needs to Embrace Feline Supremacy."


As for the racist part, it is just name calling. I am glad you are on good terms with your sister. I am not so fortunate. This stuff has destroyed a lot of families and friendships.

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"they dont know any better" is something we hear a lot here too about our refugee quota. Apparently we are told to accept their lower standard because they were "traumatised by what they saw"

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Concerning the "debunking" that happened since past Sunday, I took a close look at many of the articles, including from the Springfield local paper, Rolling Stone, Forbes, some of the others. The "journalists," better described as journalist scum, are up to their usual tricks. The operative language found, for example in the local paper was "not on our radar now": and "no *credible* reports." "Not on our radar now" is nothing other than classic police indifference and apathy. The "no credible reports" quote has two problems. One, the police decide what is credible, and none of the articles inquired about what reports have been made, and WHY they are not "credible." Also, there is no time qualification to that statement. Is that limited to that weekend, that week, forever?

Very simply put, neither police indifference and apathy NOR sophistry disprove anything about these allegations. For those interested, the short essay I wrote can be found here:


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BidenHarris administration, current weapon of the formerly known as Democrat party, did not have use the US Armed forces or security agencies in their quest to destroy the US, all they had to do was leave the borders unguarded and let it happen. It has been their goal since the Frankfurt School took over. Get those weapons out of the cellar.

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Remembering the complaints about foreign influences on Australia from the 90's is like something out of an alternative reality. I can explicitly recall how nobody wanted American TV shows or brands giving bad role models for their children or that we could become a 51st state of USA. Now, it is plain as day that a very large portion of crime is international and not from anywhere in the anglosphere. The new Islamic religious centres certainly don't represent the community, and the new ghettos are not enriching cultural life.

Meanwhile, I cant find a single complaint about a Canadian, Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh, New Zealand, or any state or county in USA, sending over a ghetto as a parallel society here, or competing for resources.

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