Why in the world don't the White people leave S. Africa. I assume it's because they can't afford to. Still I would not live in a place where my life was under constant threat by sub human savages.

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Because no European nation and neither America will grant them asylum… ask yourself why. But to be honest they are a hardy people who built a nation from nothing so many refuse to quit

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Yeah I know why. Them Jay's and their Whitey Be Gone plan is the main reason they can't migrate back but you'd think Europe would accept them even if America won't. Just shows how much we've lost as a people in about 100 years.

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Great white, great people

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certain tribal groups have been historically and unrepentantly greedy, unfair and murderous of more than just the current (400 years in place) white farmers who built the country from nothing. Much of this is a reflection of hard wired (yes, genetic)differences that do not respond to facts, fairness, history, practicality or dollars & cents & sense. Greed, jealousy, resentment and ego override right and wrong beyond any facts. And although aware, fear of admitting clear facts is powerful. Resolution if any must be forceful and resolute, or the graves will spread exponentially.

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We cant we send aid to restore civilization? Surely, i cant be the only one who thinks the lands of Praetoria and Natal have an additional layer of value to people in a different hemisphere.

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